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!Politics Without Borders! [style ff:Trebuchet MS;co:#F70D1A;b;][br][br]After Trump is gone, one of the things I am going to remember is the COWARDICE of the people who went along.[br][br][br] 33 English
America! LoveIt-HateIt! DebateIt! [br][br][style co:#CC0033;b;]While Hurricane victims suffer in NC, FEMA spent $59 Million to house Illegals in NY hotels. If any American can support such a disgrace then they have to be a liberal. Debate It! [br][br][br] 10 English
Politics_Friends_and Faith Give a Democrat a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a Democrat to fish and he'll steal your rod, take your wallet, sexually assault the fish, and then blame President Trump for it!!!! 6 English

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